The Area

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The State of Chihuahua

 The State of Chihuahua is the largest State in Mexico. It is located in Northern Mexico and borders the State of Texas in the U.S.

 The capitol of the State is the City of Chihuahua. The Capitol is 360 kilometers from El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.

 To get to Sisoguichi from Chihuahua City, you can drive to Bocoyna on the Gran Vision Highway. Once in Bocoyna there are road signes indicating the way to Sisoguichi which is only 16 kilometers from Bocoyna. There is a well maintained dirt road from Bocoyna to Sisoguichi.

 We at Muebles Rusticos Banana invite you to make a visit to Sisoguichi and the Sierra Tarahumara, we know you will truly enjoy it.

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