We at "Muebles Rusticos Banana" are a company which has strived to combine business with ecology.

 Our furniture is produced with what would be considered "waste" wood, but which in reality is wood in perfect condition and well seasoned. We do not use any new wood or live trees cut down from the local forests.

 We began production about 8 years ago and employ about a dozen permanent workers. Without our company many of these workers would have migrated to the larger cities in search of work.

 Since we began we have been working in what used the be the old tannery from the Jesuit Tarahumara Indian Mission. The tannery had ceased to work over a decade ago. This old tannery is full of history and is a landmark of the area. Unfortunately it's lack of space convinced us that we needed to look for a new location. Thus we are at present constructing our new workshop and warehouse.

 We offer a wide variety of models of furniture for the home or office.

 Here on our Web Site you will be able to see our furniture. If you see a model you like or if you want information on purchasing by volume, e-mail, phone or fax us with your questions.

 We also have information about the Tarahumara Indians and the area around Sisoguichi.

 We welcome you to our site and we hope you enjoy it.

Our Shop | The Area

The Tarahumara | Maps

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Ecology | Contact Us